20 February 2024

Employment Law Seminar 2024

Join us for our FREE annual employment law seminar for HR and business owners which will be held at Knights Hill Hotel, King’s Lynn on Thursday the 10th October 2024.

Our employment law experts will keep you up to date with changes in employment law and provide you with the necessary tools to help you protect your business. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions relating to your own employment challenges.

April 2024 changes

We will clarify important changes that came into effect in April 2024, including new regulations on:

• Flexible working
• Family rights, and;
• Holiday pay calculations.

In the second half of the seminar, we will cover mental and physical health in the workplace, including how to manage:

• Mental health
• menopause, and;
• sickness absence.

Registration and breakfast

Registration and breakfast will be at 8.00am for an 8.30am start. Seminars will run for approximately two hours. We will provide tea, coffee and bacon rolls, and a granola with fruit option for vegetarians.

Speakers on the day:

Anissa Hallworth
Gerald Bloye

To book your free place:

Email: emma.stuart@hayes-storr.com indicating your preferred venue and breakfast preference. Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.

We look forward to seeing you.
