Elderly Client Services
Our Private Client Department includes a specialist team dedicated to advising and supporting elderly clients. We are fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the country, and understandably many people choose to retire to Norfolk. Although this has great benefits, it can also cause difficulties as people get older and sometimes find themselves isolated from family and friends in other parts of the country.
We work with a range of other professionals, including accountants, charities and support groups, estate agents, Social Services and private care agencies, so that as well as dealing with your legal requirements we can help with any of the following:
- If you are in hospital or move into residential care, securing your home and making sure that insurance is in place
- Gathering information on your affairs, assets, and liabilities so that we or your attorneys can make sure that bills are paid and tax obligations fulfilled
- Managing your bank and building society accounts on your behalf
- Ensuring that you are receiving all grants and entitlements
- Reporting to you regularly on your income and expenditure
- Monitoring care, and ordering any necessary equipment for you
- Arranging and paying for domestic help, gardeners and property maintenance
- Informing friends, family and other bodies of any change in your circumstances
- Visiting you regularly, if required
You may be interested to read about our non-legal Independence Support Services, a unique service offered to clients and their families designed to maintain a person’s independence for as long as possible – whether they remain in their own home, are in receipt of respite care or have moved into a care home indefinitely. This service is especially useful to people who live alone or are located away from family and friends.
You may also want to know about Lasting Powers of Attorney, Wills, Trusts and Estate Administration.