Notary Services for Business

There are three main strands to the legal profession of England and Wales.  The first two are very familiar: solicitors and barristers.  The third and oldest is the Notary Public.

The Notary’s job is to verify signatures, documents and all sorts of transactions so that they will be acceptable in countries outside England and Wales. They do this by interviewing clients, making quite sure of their identity and their capacity to do what they want to do and also that they understand the document or transaction properly and intend it to be effective. In most places in the world the document or transaction will be binding on the client if it has been certified by a Notary. It is the Notary’s job to make sure that the transaction is binding and works. They must consider not only the interests of the person who comes to see them but of all those who might be affected in the future.


  • The Notary will need you to supply good evidence of your identity
  • The Notary will have to be satisfied that you understand any document relating to the matter
  • The Notary will need to see all documents relating to the matter


The Notary is appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and is subject to regulation by the Court of Faculties.  The rules which affect Notaries are very similar to the rules which affect Solicitors.  They must be fully insured and maintain fidelity cover for the protection of their clients and the public.  They must keep client’s money separately from their own and comply with the stringent practice rules and rules relating to conduct and discipline.  Notaries have to renew their practising certificates every year and can only do so if they comply with the rules.

For further information or If you wish to make an appointment to see Miranda Marshall, please call: 01263 712835​ or email:

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Please note: Notary appointments are only available at our Holt office

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