22 August 2019
The Mayor’s Charity Shouldham 5K Fun Run and Walk
The Mayor of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, Cllr Geoff Hipperson, has arranged a 5km fun run – and walk, around his farm in Shouldham in aid of his two chosen charities of the year; Norfolk and Waveney MIND and The Magpie Centre, RDA West Norfolk.
The event, sponsored by Hayes + Storr, is being held on Sunday 22nd September. Registration is on the day from 9.30am for a 10.30am start. Refreshments, courtesy of the award-winning King’s Arms in the village, will be served on the Green opposite the pub, both before and after the event.
A suggested donation of £5 is payable on the day with all proceeds going to the chosen charities.The route will take in byways, fields and tracks in the Shouldham area which are not normally accessible to the public and the Mayor has ensured that the route is properly marked out, with stewards at road crossing points. Almost all the route will be off-road, making it all the more fun and enjoyable.
Whether you want to run, jog or walk (dogs on leads welcome), come and join us and help raise valuable funds for the two charities Geoff has chosen for his Mayoral year.
If you require water during the run/walk, in an effort to reduce single use plastic, please bring your own water bottles.
For more information contact: shouldhamfunrun@gmail.com